Thursday, November 1, 2007


ITEM: "The Landmark's auditoriums range in size from about 100 to 200 seats." This gives the space, which only exists in my mind's eye, some definite proportions. The Senator and the Charles are both far bigger than this in their main auditioriums, but are compartive in the case of the Rotunda and the Charles' other four screens. Will the Landmark eschew films that are too "big" for it to handle? It does seems as if it is already putting movies in more than one theater based on the showtimes, so that may answer that question.

ITEM: "Four of the seven auditoriums at Landmark Theatres Harbor East are equipped with Sony SRX-R220 4K digital projectors, producing picture quality with resolution four times greater than a high-definition television." When I first read this I assumed that four out of seven screens were going to be all digital all the time, and my heart sank. Of the digital projections I have seen so far, I have not been impressed and prefer analog. I swear that Bergman's last film, "Saraband," lulled me into an agitated sleep due to its cold and clinical digital presentation.

Now, I can clearly see the word "equipped" in that sentence, which means pehaps good ol' celluloid is possible some of the time. I know that "Blade Runner: The Absolutely Final No We are Totally Serious About This Cut" is playing digitally. Hmm.... do I wait for the Senator or make another trip downtown?

Well, "Control" is first on my Landmark list, "Syndromes and a Century" is tonight at the BMA at eight, and a list of my October screenings is on the way. Until then...

SOURCE: Landmark Theatres Brings Seven New Screens to Baltimore- Baltimore Examiner

SEE ALSO: Sun reporter Chris Kaltenbach's assesment of the current situation here. (You may need to log in/ subscribe to the Sun's site to see the article)

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